Mike Lowery's favorite art supplies & GIFT GUIDE

Here's a great, big list of the art supplies that I like to use. I've also included links below to some of my most recent books that make good gifts. (contains affiliate links)
Just because some of these art supplies are great for me DOES NOT MEAN that they are a good fit for you! It's your job as an artist to experiment with lots of supplies. Maybe you need a big sketchbook! Maybe you will find better pens or pencils that fit your style. PLAY AROUND AND FIND WHAT TOOLS WORK FOR YOU.
Also, most supplies here are linked to a giant online retailer. I did that because it's more convenient. Please go buy this stuff locally!
UNI-BALL Vision Pens.
This is the primary pen I use in my sketchbooks. They have a very clean line and don't smudge when they get a little wet.
Handbook Journal Sketchbook
This is the type of sketchbook that I draw in daily. Easy to carry when you travel.
Skillshare is the ultimate gift for creatives. I offer a few courses about keeping a sketchbook over there, and have taken classes myself! (use this link to get a free month: https://skl.sh/3H7oALx )
How To Keep a Travel Sketchbook
Digital Download
This is a small, zine-style guide to keeping your own travel sketchbook. It's full of tips on how to pick the right sketchbook, what art stuff to pack when you travel, how to figure out what to draw, and lots of other stuff.
I fill these with water and a tiny bit of India ink to make gray wash. Or, when I'm in the UK, I make grey wash. (that's a little joke just for you)
Bic Mechanical Pencils
One of my number one art supplies
These acrylic markers are incredible.
My favorite travel watercolor brush
The Calendar for Creative KIDS!
Would you believe that I've been making these calendars for kids for 12 years!? They're a lot of fun and come with tons of stickers.
Random Illustrated Facts: A collection of curious, weird, and totally not-boring things to know
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